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Millions of adult Americans are overweight, obese or worse – morbidly obese (a BMI of 40 or greater).

A sizable majority know that they are overweight and are not happy with their predicament. They don’t like the way they look in clothes and, perhaps even worse, with no clothes on.

Many want to do something about their excess weight – like dieting and exercise. Some pursue a weight loss and exercise regimen and are at least partially successful. Others just don’t have the will power or motivation to make it happen, at least not for very long.

Then there are some who really don’t care – or worse – but that is not relevant to this discussion.

Weight Loss Approaches and Fads

How to lose weight is really not rocket science.

Eat less. Burn off more calories and do so by whatever physical means you choose.

You need to burn off far more calories than you are consuming. Specifically, you need to burn off 3,500 calories more than you consume in order to lose exactly one pound.

That is not necessarily an easy chore. It is also why many people fail in their attempts to lose weight.

Over the years, countless diets, fads and therapies have been introduced – none of which are universally successful or even close.

To this long list we can now add a new option: Ozempic, Wegovy and others.

Introducing Ozempic, Wegovy et al for Weight Loss

In 2017, a new class of drugs was introduced for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes – GLP-1 agonists. These medications bind to GLP-1 receptors helping the pancreas produce more insulin and decreasing the amount of glucose that the liver makes. In addition, they slow down the emptying rate of the stomach – so food stays there longer and, therefore, you feel full much longer. Consequently, this decreases your desire for food and with a reduced appetite your caloric intake drops substantially.

Taking this medication, especially in conjunction with an exercise regimen, can be quite effective in helping you to lose weight. Sometimes, you can lose quite a lot of weight.

Though the weight loss results can be remarkable while on these medications, realize that there can be side effects some which are quite profound. An in depth review of these is beyond the scope of this article.

Specific GLP-1 Agonists Used for Weight Loss

Though Ozempic and Wegovy are the two most well-known GLP-1 agonists that are prescribed and used for weight loss, they are not the only ones presently available. The following is a more inclusive list:

Impact of Ozempic in Preparation for Plastic Surgery

Because these GLP-1 agonist medications affect the motility (stomach function) and emptying of the stomach of its contents, this does have significant implications with regard to surgery and general anesthesia. One of the risks of general anesthesia, and a very significant one, is aspiration of contents of the stomach into the lungs. This is more likely to occur with the induction of (start of) general anesthesia by the anesthesiologist or anesthetist.

The results of this can be disastrous and even life threatening. It can lead to extreme difficulty in getting oxygen to one’s tissues (low O2), aspiration pneumonia and even death.

Given the potential for dire consequences, reducing these risks are of paramount importance. As a result, present recommendations are to stop the injectable versions of these agents at least one week prior to surgery. The ones that are taken in oral form, Revolex and Rybelsus, should not be taken the day of surgery.

If you are taking one of these medications, make absolutely sure that both your plastic surgeon and, ultimately, your anesthesiologist or anesthetist are aware of this. By not disclosing this information prior to your surgery day, you run the risk of having your surgery cancelled. Even worse, if this is not disclosed at all you run the risk for aspiration pneumonia or even death.

Major Weight Loss from Ozempic Leading to the Desire for Plastic Surgery

Taking Ozempic, Wegovy or one of the other GLP-1 agonist agents, you finally have had success losing weight. You may have shed 20 pounds, 30 pounds or 40 pounds or more.

You feel much better and are far happier with your appearance – in clothes.

However, there have been some downside physical consequences of the weight loss which you are not happy with. The skin that was stretched out due to your heavier weight is still stretched out and now is also loose because there is less fat and elasticity. Even worse, it may hang down.

This may apply to your abdomen, arms, thighs and even your face. Exercise will not correct this.


And then there are your breasts…

They are now a bit smaller and no longer firm or youthful in appearance. Droopy, deflated and somewhat sad looking.

If the physical consequences of your weight loss bother you or your plan all along was to lose the extra weight and then follow it up with cosmetic surgery, you do have options.

Many options.

Plastic Surgery Procedures That Can Improve Your Appearance after Weight Loss

Depending on the area(s) that bother you after your Ozempic facilitated weight loss, there are definitely effective procedures that can help you look better and feel better about yourself. The more common ones include:

If you are interested in pursuing these or other procedures, you should schedule a consultation with a reputable plastic surgeon who is board certified by the American board of Plastic Surgery.

Weight Loss Aided by Ozempic Can Improve Planned Plastic Surgery Procedure Results

Another way that Ozempic, Wegovy and other GLP-1 agonist medications can impact your plastic surgery “needs” is to help you with weight loss prior to a planned procedure. If you have been trying to lose weight but have been largely unsuccessful yet you want to have a specific plastic surgery procedure, perhaps taking Ozempic can help you achieve both the goals of losing weight and then having that desired plastic surgery procedure.

To be clear, though, I absolutely am not making any recommendations to take Ozempic or similar medications in this situation. It is your prerogative, however, though you should discuss this in greater detail with your primary care physician.

Many plastic surgery procedures will allow you to have superior results at a more ideal weight than at your heavier weight. A tummy tuck and arm lift are good examples.

In addition, there are procedures that will not only provide you with better and more refined outcomes but also longer lasting results if you lose the excess weight prior to surgery versus sometime after surgery. A breast lift, breast lift with implants and arm lift fall into this category.

Plastic Surgery and Your Weight Loss

Whether or not you have lost a lot of weight or are planning to do so and regardless if Ozempic, Wegovy or similar weight loss medications was or will be used, if you are considering undergoing plastic surgery to improve your appearance, you should strongly consider seeing a reputable board certified plastic surgeon.

To schedule a complimentary cosmetic consultation with Dr. Steven Turkeltaub, who is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, please contact the Arizona Center for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery at (480) 451-3000 or by email.

Steven H. Turkeltaub, M.D. P.C.
Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona

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