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You are dissatisfied or even unhappy with the appearance of your breasts and you want them to look better.

Much better!

Your breasts are small but firm so it may be very obvious that a breast augmentation is exactly what you need.

Perhaps your breasts are the size that you like but they are no longer perky. A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, could be the perfect solution.

Unfortunately, what is needed to achieve the results that you desire may not be entirely clear to you.

Do you need just a breast augmentation?

A breast lift?

Or a combination of a breast augmentation and a breast lift?

How do you figure this out definitively?

Well, you can Google it, of course, and find out what you absolutely need!


To truly find out what breast surgery would help you achieve your desired results, you should consult with a reputable plastic surgeon (or two) specializing in cosmetic breast surgery who is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Even doing this, you will often get differing opinions on both what the appropriate procedure(s) is/are and other choices (implant size, configuration, etc.) that are needed to obtain the results that you are seeking.

At times, this still can be quite confusing for you.

Let’s take a look at the procedures in general and see what they can or can’t accomplish. This can also shed light on some misconceptions.

Breast Augmentation

What Can a Breast Augmentation Do?

Well, for one, this procedure can make you look really, really good – to yourself and others.

Attractive, alluring, shapely and even sexier.

It can also help you with self-confidence and more.

Distilling this to its essence, a breast augmentation increases the volume of your breasts. Most often this is accomplished using breast implants though fat injection may be a consideration in some situations.

Common Indications for a Breast Augmentation

The following are the most common reasons women elect to undergo a breast augmentation:

In the vast majority of breast augmentations performed in the United States, smooth surfaced silicone breast implants are used. Saline breast implants are the less frequently used alternative.

Misconceptions Regarding What a Breast Augmentation Can Do

Sagging breasts with loss of elasticity of the skin and a relative excess of skin as relates to breast volume, is the consequence of such issues as aging, weight loss, pregnancy and gravity. Many women (and some surgeons) are under the impression that this aesthetic problem can be addressed by just using significantly larger breast implants. The thinking is, that by doing so, the much more extensive incisions needed for a breast lift can be avoided.

Unfortunately, the reality is that this is not a solution the overwhelming majority of the time.

With very, very minor skin laxity, a larger breast implant may yield an acceptable result as compared to the relatively better and more appropriate choice of having a breast lift.

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

A breast lift is the procedure that elevates droopy breasts on the chest to their more youthful position along with contouring and tightening. Excess skin is removed and the nipple-areola complexes and the breast tissue are repositioned and contoured to recreate firmer, more youthful appearing breasts.

By what is necessary entailed in the performance of the procedure, the standard inverted “T” (anchor) type lift will result in a breast that has a decreased volume. This should be taken into consideration when planning a course of action. That is, a breast augmentation may need to be done as well.

Common Indications for Breast Lift

Breasts that are droopy which one does not like and wants to correct is a very good reason to pursue a breast lift. Some of the more common reasons for saggy breasts including prematurely and to a greater degree are:

Misconceptions Regarding What a Breast Lift Can Do

A breast lift can re-elevate the droopy breasts to where they were originally at the time of puberty. This procedure does not position the breasts higher on the chest wall than they originated from at an earlier time in one’s life. So, if one originally had breasts that were low set on the chest, a mastopexy will not magically place them higher on the chest.

The extent of the lift, degree of rejuvenation and quality of outcome depends on the extent of the drooping and the specific mastopexy procedure performed.

Combining a Breast Augmentation and a Mastopexy

When there is drooping of the breasts as well them being an inadequate size, then a combined procedure of a breast augmentation and a breast lift should be considered. This will provide for the most comprehensive solution in one surgical setting versus two.

There is one recuperation period versus two meaning less overall down time including from school and/or work. The total costs are likely to be less expensive as well.

How Do You Decide What is Right for You?

As stated above, the best way to help you make a decision as to what is best for you is to consult with a reputable plastic surgeon specializing in cosmetic breast surgery and who is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Your plastic surgeon can listen to your concerns and goals and then make recommendations based on that information.

Scheduling Your Consultation

If you are very interested in improving the appearance of your breasts but are not sure if a breast augmentation, mastopexy or a mastopexy-augmentation is right for you, you can schedule a complimentary consultation with me, Dr. Steven Turkeltaub. I am a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in breast surgery and am board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

You can contact my office at the Arizona Center for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery either by calling (480) 451-3000 or by email.

Steven H. Turkeltaub, M.D. P.C.
Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona

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